A Sound Of Thunder: This story focuses on the idea of the butterfly effect. When a man goes back to the far past, he steps on a butterfly on completely wrecks the future. This is an extreme example of the butterfly effect, as it is unlikely that something that small would have that large on an effect. However, it does provide a good example as to what the main idea of the butterfly effect is.
All You Zombies: This was just a strange story. To think about him being his own mother, father, and bartender, causes a large headache. He is an example of Paradox, as there is no beginning or end to him. I did enjoy the addition of the oruoborous ring, but that was because I am fascinated by the early studies of alchemy and know the backgrounds behind it.
Into the universe: Wasnt in class that day, but from what I know about Steven Hawking, I imagine that he gave a detailed hypothesis onto how time travel into the future is possible, but not the pat.
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