In the film "Planet of the Apes", the Apes are the dominate life form on the planet Earth. They lead similar lives to that of man, but when a man crashes to earth with the ability to speak and write, they are horrified by his presence. The Apes are afraid of the unknown, and when some of the Apes support the man they are shunned and accused of heresy.
Within the "Planet of the Apes", there is a distinguished class system that the apes live by. Depending on what type of Ape they are, they will either be a warrior (Gorilla), a keeper of the faith (Orangutan), a scientist (Chimpanzee), or be a man and be considered an animal. It appears that not all the apes are created equal because the Orangutans seem to hold all of the power whole the other species do as they are told.
When a leader is blindly followed, they will lie to the people they are supposed to protect. In the case of the Apes, they are all under the illusion that man is a lower life form because the Faith tells them to. When any of the Apes speak out against the Faith, the are charged with heresy and punished.
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