Friday, May 11, 2012

Blog 21

The movie the Time Traveler was an interesting look at the idea of time travel. The main character travels far into the future to see what happens to the human race. He learns that it was almost destroyed by war, and that now the world is populated by two groups, the surface dwelling peaceful people and the men who live underground. He is shocked to find out that the surface dwellers are bred like cattle to be slaughtered. With the help of the surface dwellers he destroys the vermin living underground and once again travels back in time. When he returns to the past and tells his friends, they refuse to believe him. Frustrated he goes back to the future to live with the girl he loves.

Blog 20

The most interesting thing i have learned about sci fi this semester would be the concept of paradox. I was interesting thinking about what would cause these paradoxes in time. I  began the semester thinking that scifi was limited to aliens and time travel, but now i know that there is so much more.  My favorite unit was the time enders game unit because we got to make a video project and the book was a good read.

Monday, April 30, 2012

A sound of Thunder, you Zombies, and Into the Universe

A Sound Of Thunder: This story focuses on the idea of the butterfly effect. When a man goes back to the far past, he steps on a butterfly on completely wrecks the future. This is an extreme example of the butterfly effect, as it is unlikely that something that small would have that large on an effect. However, it does provide a good example as to what the main idea of the butterfly effect is.

All You Zombies: This was just a strange story. To think about him being his own mother, father, and bartender, causes a large headache. He is an example of Paradox, as there is no beginning or end to him. I did enjoy the addition of the oruoborous ring, but that was because I am fascinated by the early studies of alchemy and know the backgrounds behind it.

Into the universe: Wasnt in class that day, but from what I know about Steven Hawking, I imagine that he gave a detailed hypothesis onto how time travel into the future is possible, but not the pat.

Blog 19

Carl Sagan, a noted author, talks about the theory of time travel. Behind all of his long statements, he is basically saying the same thing as everyone else.
Time Travel into the future is possible
The past is another story
Nature could possibly stop all paradox's from occurring
There could be alternate universes, but maybe not
Yes, all he does is sum up what we have been talking about this entire unit. And in the end, he really doesn't give his opinion on anything, saying that there is no point when we have such a lack of knowledge on the matter.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I, Borg

In  this star trek episode, a Borg is captured/ rescued by the crew. They decide to use this Borg in order to destroy his race by implanting a virus in his system. However, as they experiment of him, they find that without the Collective, he functions similarly to a normal human. Realizing that he is a man, they decide to not infect him. He then chooses to go back to the Borg in order to allow his new friends to escape.

The version of the Frankenstein complex portrayed in this episode is different from what we have seen before. In this case, a species has made themselves into a collective of robots and travels the universe searching for species to assimilate. Man kind is fearful of these creatures because they have no free will, and are thus the ultimate form of punishment for a human.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Blog #13

In the episode of the X-Files Post Modern Prometheus, a creature is created by scientific means and is born a monster. It is a disgusting sight and it terrorizes the town, leading to the formation of a mob and the attempted killing of the creature. Of course it cannot have a realistic ending so the creature proves that it is not as evil as everyone thinks and is let go. It seems that the people forgot that two women had been raped by the monster, but hey, he said he was sorry so everything is good. It was the classic Frankenstein story, and should tie in nicely with our study of the Frankenstein Complex.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog Post 11

In the short story Random Sample, a little girl is observed by alien visitors. They give her simple tests to see how intelligent she is, but she intentionaly fails them to make them angry. Later, her and her brother destroy the alien ship and show the aliens how to kill ants. The aliens, who apperently love life, are disgusted by the show of evil and leave. The girl is enterviewed by a psychologist about what happens, but the aliens decide to destroy man because of her cruelty. This time, the aliens are xenophobic of man because of their cruelty.

In The King Of the Beasts, an alien race look at an exhibit of different extinct animals. The final exhibit is that of a single man, whom the fear the most out of every animal they have. This story infers that man destroyed themselves and an alien race took over earth.